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Каталог Фирм и Предприятий России
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О нас
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Астролог и психолог Аида Невская (Астропсихолог). Личные гороскопы, анализ совместимости со спутником жизни, консультации, карьера и профессии, астрологические прогнозы, подбор дат

DEMONTAGNIKI.RU - Демонтаж металлоконструкций, труб и ёмкостей, зданий и сооружений. Покупка и вывоз чёрного и цветного лома, утилизация автомобилей, судов, вагонов, лома, вывоз мусора, снега, отходов

Interpreting and Translation Services

Interpreting and Translation Services in Russia

We can provide multi-lingual, personal interpreters for business negotiations, presentations, informal meetings, etc. We can also provide translations of articles, reviews, documents, letters, e-mails.

These services are available in major Russian cities and through the internet (online services). The translations can be sent back by post, by e-mail, by fax, or given in person.
The final price is arranged and confirmed after your request, depending on the amount of work. You can pay with cash at a company's office, with a major credit card, money order, or bank transfer.

If you want to order one of our services, please, fill in the form below specifying the type and amount of work, a specific date when personal interpreting should be arranged (or a deadline when translation should be finished), and your contact data. A representative of the interpreting / translation company will contact you in 1 business day confirming your order and price. You can then arrange payment details and send the translation work that needs to be done directly to the representative or confirm the date and time of personal interpreting service.


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